Thursday, October 27, 2022

Smarter than thou!

You get that weird feeling something is watching you? I gaze around and notice there was this orange thing, as i move to the side to get a closer glimpse it moves too, staying hidden. Curious to see what it was, I hang around rather impatiently. While doing this, I notice a signature spider looking rather tired. And then, slowly I see the orange thing move it's antennae trying to sense it's way around. Lo and behold, here comes the Pompilid spider wasp. P1010176-j2 P1010178-j2
It had injected it's venom into the signature spider and was ensuring she could drag it back into a living coffin.
Any movement from us would not get past her watchful eyes. You know we say spiders are smart and aware? Well, these spider hunters have to be more aware and smart too!

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Fuzzy and buzzy!

Was casually browsing through some of the recent images when this concept of all the fuzzy and buzzy creatures sprang to mind! A few selected ones here :) P1010307-a Argiope on it's web P1010265-a Interesting patterns on this fungi Bagworm moth atop it's pupal case Barleria pollen Aemene sp | Polka dots! Interesting looking planthopper Juvenile Hyllus female P1010667 Backlit umbrellas Pupa with it's silken cocoon
Spiky/Buzzy! Prickly looking Treehoppers with Mussel scale insects When the cat(erpillar) looks like a Mutt Orange crazy ants carrying back eggs and pupae Carpenter bee wing Limacodid moth caterpillar Stinkbug nymph Spiny assassin bug

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Set wet!

A year and a half since the last post! And a similar theme like the last one, thanks to the rains. We had a welcome break from the heat in the form of rain due to a passing cyclone on the coast. The drizzle and morning dew lent a great additional touch. Just had to make a break for it at sunrise before the sun got to the droplets first.
This fascinating mechanism of some plants discarding excess water - called guttation Guttation Chafer beetle, with dew Long-legged fly on a dewy leaf Dew covered Tawny coster Coromandel marsh dart, with dew Hamadruas on a wet leaf Tussock moth caterpillar Cicadas being their noisiest! Cicada, close-up A couple of insects/butterflies allowing me to get close Silverline butterfly close-up Common five-ring close-up Peekaboo! Moth resting on the edge of a leaf mine Ammophila sp Sand wasp Putting on a grin for the portrait! New leaves/shoots brings in renewed joy for everyone, prey and predator included Tw-tailed spider with kill | Jackal fly bothering it by Aphids with ants Flower caterpillar | Homodes sp
All shot on the Olympus OMD EM10 m2, 60mm macro, Godox TT 250O with a DIY diffuser.
Till the next one!