Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Studded with jewels - dew beautifying everything around

Rains have been odd this year, with several cyclones and depressions in the Bay of Bengal bringing in untimely rain. However, this did bring some silver lining - the fine drizzle worked at beautifying everything in it's path, almost like lending the Midas touch. Slug moth, Limacodidae caterpillar with dew Slug moth, Limacodidae caterpillar with dew Thomisus female on a dewy branch Thomisus female on a dewy branch Caught in the web of a Funnel web spider Caught in the web of a Funnel web spider Assassin bug on a dewy leaf Assassin bug on a dewy leaf Dewy leaf beetle Dewy leaf beetle Membracid with a dewy hat! Membracid with a dewy hat! Raindrops on an orb weaver's web Raindrops on an orb weaver's web Portrait of a drenched katydid Portrait of a drenched katydid Raindrops Raindrops Drenched Halticidae Drenched Halticidae Twins! Supobia sp Twins! Supobia sp The colder climate also allowed me to get a lot more closer and make better close-ups Golden dartlet Golden dartlet Dragonfly close-up Dragonfly close-up Coelioxys sp leaf-cutter bee Coelioxys sp leaf-cutter bee Mantisfly close-up Mantisfly close-up Moth close-up! Moth close-up! These really eerie claw-like fungii growing on a bark Fungii growing in the shape of a claw Fungii growing in the shape of a claw Till the next one! Cheers! Hayath

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