Thursday, October 6, 2022

Fuzzy and buzzy!

Was casually browsing through some of the recent images when this concept of all the fuzzy and buzzy creatures sprang to mind! A few selected ones here :) P1010307-a Argiope on it's web P1010265-a Interesting patterns on this fungi Bagworm moth atop it's pupal case Barleria pollen Aemene sp | Polka dots! Interesting looking planthopper Juvenile Hyllus female P1010667 Backlit umbrellas Pupa with it's silken cocoon
Spiky/Buzzy! Prickly looking Treehoppers with Mussel scale insects When the cat(erpillar) looks like a Mutt Orange crazy ants carrying back eggs and pupae Carpenter bee wing Limacodid moth caterpillar Stinkbug nymph Spiny assassin bug

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