Had spoken to Sunil earlier in the week about heading out towards TG Halli and Ramanagaram for a shoot. Sunil called up and said he'd pick me up and we'd head off by 2PM.
A little while later Sunil told me that Danny would be joining us.
Met them at the NICE road intersection. Had got my bike, so parked it at a petrol bunk and hopped into Sunil's car.
With rainy clouds glooming large, it would be a dicey trip. And this being solely for photography, light means everything.
We discussed TG Halli, Danny said they wouldnt allow us anywhere near the dam, so dropped it. Then Danny suggested a lovely place which both Sunil and I nodded to. (will not disclose the location :D)
Drove past lovely lush greeb fields with little hillocks dotting the landscape.
Reached the location with just enough light (with the setting sun and loads of clouds) to get a few shots.

Truly captivating, with the gushing water, the little alleys formed by the water, the green surrounding. Really cant describe it in words.
Stayed back beyond sunset, caught up with some photography talk.

There was a nice stall frying some fresh fish. With fish fry and omlettes, Danny got an idea for some long exposure fire tricks. Sunil got some lovely shots of the same.
With the clouds threatening to open up any moment, headed back towards bangalore. Got a drop to the Petrol bunk, took my bike in the rain. Reached home drenched to the bone.
All in all, a nice little trip. Will definitely go back with more time on my hands.
Adios till the next trip.