Decided on a lone ride towards Bannerghatta. Left home @ 5:45 AM with the daylight just breaking.
Zoomed out on Bannerghatta road with the first stop being a small lake with the sun just beginning to rise.

Took a few shots here, moved on and reached the bannerghatta circle. Had always taken the route towards Anekal, this time wanted to explore the other side, so took a turn to the right. Roads were pathetic right from the start, but the views were quite nice too.
Watched the red fiery ball rise into the sky filling in light.

There was a small stretch of road which showed some semblance of a road

With some light in now, the birdies started showing up, trying to soak in the early morning light

Now came the best or shall I say the worst roads (???) I've ever rode on

Being all alone with no one around, the thought of a puncture here did cross my mind, but I rode my luck :)
Was greeted by some lovely sights and smell of fresh misty morning smells

Got on to a good vantage point, could spot wild elephants in the distance and their droppings huge dropping on the road

Further on, reached a remote lake still lingering with the early morning mist

From here, reached a small village called "Hosakerehalli" with some nice lush fields

A small little flowing streamlet

The awesome ROADS I encountered on the way :D

With some good early morning light, got some neat shots of some birds.
The Female red-ringed parrot

A couple of brown owls on the branch of the same tree

Also spotted two green bee eaters on the powerlines, these dudes always give some interesting shots, highly energetic. Took a LOT of shots of these in different positions

With some decent shots taken, wanted to get back home before the sun starts burning down. Needless to say with many many stops on the way :)

Saw this little cutie running down the road crying with her elder sister trying to console her

This little house in the midst of a farm caught my eye, laid back and so very beautiful :)

Adios till the next weekend ;-)
Awesome set of pics..
hope to see much more from you... and the roads you travelled.. they weren't roads at all!!!
awesome dude ... I wish I still had my 4x4 to do such stuff ... is the track wide enough for a four wheeler? looking forward to more stories from you ....
Thanks a lot Vivek and Rajiv :)
Roads... yeah there were none, poor thing my bike bore the brunt, along with my butt (still hurts) !
Some places it's wide enough for a 4 wheeler, some almost impossible.
Lots more to come in the coming weeks !
thanks for your visits n comments.
Hey Hayath,
As usual nice photography :-) ..BTW did you happen to fish or collect anything interesting in the lake or the streams?
Thanks babu :)
Did not want to carry anything, so didnt even take along a net.
Planning to visit the Arkavati river banks the coming weekend, will go prepared fully :D
Thanks for the visit and comment mate, appreciate it :)
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